Women in Architecture: Facts and Figures
In collaboration with Josiane Schmidt, Sandra Schuster, and Till Förster
Women in Architecture Festival, Berlin, 2021

The exhibition renders the study "Frauen in der Architektur" in a visible format. This study was conducted at the Technical University of Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. It reveals how the german-speaking architectural discourse and practice is problematically gendered on several levels.
The exhibition casts these results in a graphically readable format. It presents statistical graphics, texts, and interview excerpts based on the topics "Disciplinary Culture," "Labor Conditions," and "Education." The exhibition was inaugurated in the context of the "Women in Architecture Festival 2021" in Berlin and is consequently presented in different german architecture schools. In Munich, it was hosted by AJA - the year exhibition of the TUM Department of Architecture.
Exhibition at the Pinakothekenwiese
In collaboration with the student-led Evet "AJA" at TUM, the exhibition material was presented publicly at the "Kulturareal" of Munich.
WIA Festival Berlin
In collaboration with n-ails, the material was shown at the "Women in Architecture Festival 2021 in Berlin.